The Sew Good Cooperative Mums – a common unity

SewGood_CUP_20141128_6040These are the Mum’s from The Sew Good Cooperative at Epuni School in Lower Hutt. Of all the stories has done, this one is possibly the most powerful, Why? Because their story is a community led response to the economic and social pressures facing a huge percentage of our country. These women are doing it for themselves.

After founder Julia Milne has taken a few awards this year as the Overall Winner at the Wellington Airport Community Awards and the Sustainable Champion at the NZI Sustainable Business Awards for her work and vision on the project, we thought we’d go and have a chat with the Mums to see what the best things about the year were for them…..and it wasn’t what we thought.

If you think these women were doing an awesome thing please vote here as they are in the running for a grant that will really help their Koha Kitchen come to life.Closes Dec 11 so please do it today. It takes two clicks.


Thanks to


Angela McLeod – UN Women helping Solomon Sisters

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Angela McLeod has been advocating for women for a very long time and is now president of UN Women Aotearoa New Zealand.

To commemorate International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, yes that is White Ribbon Day coming up next Tuesday the 25th, UN Women Aotearoa are holding an event called Journey to Justice, to launch a project that aims to reduce violence against women in the Solomon Islands.

In this interview Angela explains what the UN Women NC Aotearoa do, why it is important for us to support our Pacific Sisters in the Solomon’s and a small but effective thing we can do in everyday life to shift our attitudes toward equality for women.

And if you want to know how to get involved with this event

  • Did you know there are 600 000 people located across 9 provinces and over 100 languages in the Solomon Islands.
  • Approximately 2/3 of women in the Solomon Islands have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence ( according to  2009 study).
  • 37% of sexual violence happens before the age of 15.
  • Violence against women is widely accepted by both men and women.
  • There are relatively little support services or other forms of assistance for women who have experienced this abuse.

UN Women Wrkshp in Honiara Mphoto Marni Gilbert


Thanks to Marni Gilbert for this shot of  the Transformational Leadership Workshop in Honiara, 2013

Myfanwy Emeny – our urban ecology

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Did you know that we have an Urban Ecologist at the Wellington City Council? Neither did I. But I do now, as I wanted to know what Conservation Week means for Wellington city. So in this interview Myfanwy Emeny, that Urban Ecologist, talks about the native communities that share our fair city, as well as the 90 volunteer community groups doing a good job replanting and helping our diverse environment thrive. She also bought in 2 local native superstars into the studio, although they were not that confident on the radio.

More on the pest fest at Waitangi Park to celebrate Conservation Week, this sunday.

Silvia Zuur – on learning and leading

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Silvia Zuur is one of those Wellington women we’re sure to be seeing a lot more of, as she already has quite a few nominations under her belt including being a finalist in the Women of Influence Awards 2013. As a board member of , she is passionate about supporting other social entrepreneurs to get social enterprises off the ground. And this is all on top of being the founder and CEO of her own social enterprise, , an online community platform that connects people that have things to teach with people who want to learn.

In this interview we find out what motivates this young woman in her relentless quest for learning new things, and her passion of wanting us to learn too. We also get a few tips on keeping chickens.

PS. listeners there is an awesome song by “the Clean” in the middle of this interview that you can fast forward if you are time poor, but if you are not, please take some time to enjoy.,-solidarity-economics


Glen McDonald – the inclusion solution

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After 21 years of commitment to it was a pleasure to share some great incites from coordinator Glen McDonald. In this interview, she talks about the Vincents’s recipe that has had a positive effect on many people’s lives, as well as an interesting take on why she see’s Wellington as a “healthy” city and shares her view on the simple change that could help the nation.

Vincents is also having an exhibition for Mental Health Awareness Week that is on until 22nd October, –

Anj Barton, Kim Partridge – raising the bar for Shakti

Ange Barton

And I have only recently heard of the Women’s Support Group who are having a big fundraiser at Meow this Saturday. Organizers Kim Partridge and Anj Barton tell us what Shakti Wellington do AND there is a LIVE sneak performance from artists playing at the fundraiser, a stunning new song from  and Anj Barton’s and Tin Gau’s band Ready Sett. Yahoo…..

Justine Fletcher – mapping the 1260 who fought to vote

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It is rather poignant that when around a quarter of our country didn’t vote, artist Justine Fletcher has created an exhibition representing the 1260 Wellington women who FOUGHT to vote.

In this interview Justine talks about her jewellery installation 1260 – Sign for Change which kicks off at the  from this Thursday 25 September – 18 October), that will pay tribute to 23,991 signatories of the landmark Third Suffrage Petition of 1893.
She also talks about her life as a busier mum than most, with two of her three children with disabilities and what becomes important to you then.