Jan Wright – commissioner for our environment on what keeps her awake at night

Jan Wright

As New Zealand’s Environment Commissioner, Jan Wright is the authority on what is happening environmentally in our country. In this interview Jan gives us a breakdown on her latest report on the impending “fracking” or Oil and Gas Drilling industry, as well as the bigger environmental issues at hand. Her mission is to then get politicians to act on her recommendations.

Although we didn’t get to discuss this, the summary below, which ends her report introduction is certainly food for thought at this critical time. And if the Commissioner for the Environment is saying it, why aren’t we doing it?

– ‘The Government has committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to five percent below our 1990 emissions by 2020, but there is no plan for achieving this –neither the Energy Strategy nor the greatly weakened Emissions Trading Scheme will do it. Perhaps I have become particularly sensitive, but I seem to be increasingly hearing that it is pointless for our small country to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases because our contribution to the global total is insignificant. But this is a recipe for inaction everywhere.

The Minister of Climate and Environment in Norway – another small country – recently said it better than I can:
“Norway accounts for 0.04 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. In isolation, what we do is of little significance. But we cannot think like that. Every Chinese city, every U.S. state, every coal power plant emission is small in the larger whole. We will not get anywhere if we just point at each other.”

During my time as New Zealand’s Environment Commissioner, I have often made recommendations about the need for a strong response on climate change. I will continue to do so.’

Jan Wright-Drilling for oil and gas in New Zealand: Environmental oversight and regulation -June 2014

James Shaw – what really matters

James Shaw.relaxed mirror

James Shaw, our Wellington Central Candidate for the  talks about the things that led him to into the world of politics. He also reveals the issue that is really important to him and therefore really important to all of us.

Generation Zero – rattling the cage on climate change

Generation Zero

 are doing a seriously good job of getting climate change higher on the political agenda. I had a chat with Paul Young, Generation Zero’s spokesperson, at one of their political stunts outside Parliament, about other countries that DO have a climate change plan and an opportunity that NZ cannot afford to miss.

Tim Jones – why put something up that others are tearing down

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When other cities around the world are tearing out their motorways and flyovers, why are we still thinking that building a flyover by the Basin Reserve is such a clever idea?

In this interview Tim Jones, spokesperson for the  tells us why the proposed flyover is not a done deal. I also had a chat with all the people who were at the event about why they Love the Basin on Valentine’s Day.

Danny Lemon – Roots Foundation, good for the Nation

Danny Lemon Image in RPM

An interview with DJ Danny Lemon, who tells the story of Welly’s longest running sound system, the Roots Foundation, what we’ll be hearing for the 21st birthday bash and how his lifelong passion for Roots/ Reggae music has actually changed his life and could change all of ours.

Thanks to Trish from RPM for the photo.