Principal, Mark Potter has a lot to celebrate with the on the calendar next month. Although the school has experienced many changes over it’s 100 years , it seems to sustain an inclusive culture for all abilities, is one of the most culturally diverse schools in the region and has a healthy allocation of refugee families. Yet the kids are known for being “happy” and the school seems to form the heart of the Berhampore community.
Author Archives: lauriestarfish
Tony Stoddard – the 2015 Great Kereru Count
Mike talks to WWF’s Tony Stoddard about the 2015 Great Kereru Count, and how we can all get involved to help protect our beautiful native wood pigeons.
Hemi Pou – Menswear at Wakefield Hotel
This week on B-Side stories, Martin Andrews interviews Hemi Pou, owner operator of Cuba St menswear store Wakefield Hotel. Hemi discusses his past in rugby, what led him to setting up a clothing store, where the name Wakefield Hotel came from including the story behind the historic storefront signage, and his latest initiative, designing the new bison logo for Rongotai College and what it represents to the greater Eastern Suburbs community.
Toby Chappell – the skate for hope
Toby Chappell, is the founder of the charity . After skateboarding saved him from suicide, he believes that skateboarding can also save the lives of others. So while skateboarding from Cape Reinga to Bluff from November 2015 to January 2016 he will be visiting schools, churches, skate parks and youth centers to tell his story and encourage others to stand their ground and take action against mental health issues. He is an incredible young man, who is having amazing things happen to him after deciding to put as much effort into living instead of into dying.
For more on the give a little campiagn
For more on the gig this saturday
Nature Through Arts Collective
Ali Whitton speaks to the Nature Through The Arts collective who discussed their ‘Imagine My City’ project which aims to better connect children to nature. The project is kindly supported by UNESCO. Hear about the launch day on 8th November and the 100 day challenge that will follow.
For more info on the project and the collective, please visit:
And follow them on facebook at:
Ben Pringle – Red Cross & International Day of the Disappeared
Mike O’Connor speaks to Ben Pringle from Red Cross, about their photo exhibition currently on display at the Embassy theatre supporting the International Day of the Disappeared.…/in-ne…/restoring-family-links/
Spencer Clubb – Fundraising photos for Nepal
Mike O’Connor talks to the talented photographer Spencer Clubb about his photo exhibition currently running at the Department of Conservation offices in Wellington. Proceeds from the exhibition will be directed to the Red Cross relief efforts in Nepal.
Find out about the exhibition here: