Matilde Tayawa, Belinda Liu and Angeline Singh – Wellington Women Walk for Peace

WWW4Peace black and white

Three remarkable young women, Matilde Tayawa, Belinda Liu and Angeline Singh have stepped up to found and orchestrate . A way to unite Wellington women of all walks and nationalities to celebrate International Women’s Day ( 8th March- this Sunday).

And they are kicking off this years Peace Walk with a speech from the Mayor and have their own stage with a fantastic line up of events right here at our  this Sunday the 8th of March.

In this interview they share what we as women can do in our homes help our children grow up with “Peace” as a baseline. It is up to everyone of us to start with ourselves first.


James Coyle – Newtown Festival recycling heroes

Newtown Festival Frecycling.

is upping it’s game again, not only by being NZ’s biggest and best (biased yes) street festival, but also in it’s recycling front with an unprecedented 12 recycling stations! They want to show Wellington that they can put on a huge party, without sending a mountain of waste to landfill.

In this interview Newtown Festival programe coordinator, James Coyle talks to  about how they are going to do it, why this is good for the event and how we can all help.

You can sign up here: 

Thomas Robins and David Stubbs – the road trip

Thomas and David Winning Emmy


Wouldn’t getting your viewers to text in your script and crowd sourcing your actors seem like a logistical nightmare? Not for these Emmy award winning directors Thomas Robins and David Stubbs.  In this interview they talk about their interactive TV show Reservoir Hill ( filmed right here in Welly and now Sweden has adapted it for their viewers as well) and the recently launched , that crowd sourced the kiwi characters that were encountered along the way.

Rose Kirkup – everybody cool lives here

Rose Kirkup

This interview is with another Wellington heroine,  ( with the beard), who is one of the drivers and founders behind Everybody Cool Lives Here. Her mission is to pair the talents of artists with intellectual disabilities with a team of Welly’s top emerging actors for more winning shows like  which is one of the hit picks this season.


Catherine Hill, Deirdre Marshall, David Laing, Michelle Ducat – Car Free Families

Car free familiesHave you ever wondered how you’d cope if you didn’t own a car? Me too! So in this interview we found four Wellington and Lower Hutt families who, by choice, are car free or nearly car free.

They talk about why, the challenges, tips, and some unexpected benefits of not owning or using their cars.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this interview.

Nathalie Boltt – the Vajazzler
















In this chat with illustrious Wellington actress  we find out why this nice girl who is normally known for her roles in big blockbusters like District 9 and Doomsday, would want to write, crowdfund, direct AND play lead actress in a film about revenge and blinging up her vajayjay in .

If you havn’t seen the teasers yet check out

To watch Vajazzle, which is being launched this Valentines Day, check out and don’t be afraid to share share share.

Aaron Packard – the 350 man

Aaron Packard

Aaron Packard is one of those guys that gives you faith that the world will be an ok  in the future. With Global Divestment Day about to hit this Sat Feb 14th, Aaron gives us an understanding of what it’s all about and also talks about his work at  as Oceania’s Region Coordinator which oversees all of 350’s operations across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. And he also founded right here in his home town of Wellington. Wow.


For more on Aarons work with checkout