Matilde Tayawa, Belinda Liu and Angeline Singh – Wellington Women Walk for Peace

WWW4Peace black and white

Three remarkable young women, Matilde Tayawa, Belinda Liu and Angeline Singh have stepped up to found and orchestrate . A way to unite Wellington women of all walks and nationalities to celebrate International Women’s Day ( 8th March- this Sunday).

And they are kicking off this years Peace Walk with a speech from the Mayor and have their own stage with a fantastic line up of events right here at our  this Sunday the 8th of March.

In this interview they share what we as women can do in our homes help our children grow up with “Peace” as a baseline. It is up to everyone of us to start with ourselves first.


James Coyle – Newtown Festival recycling heroes

Newtown Festival Frecycling.

is upping it’s game again, not only by being NZ’s biggest and best (biased yes) street festival, but also in it’s recycling front with an unprecedented 12 recycling stations! They want to show Wellington that they can put on a huge party, without sending a mountain of waste to landfill.

In this interview Newtown Festival programe coordinator, James Coyle talks to  about how they are going to do it, why this is good for the event and how we can all help.

You can sign up here: 

Rose Kirkup – everybody cool lives here

Rose Kirkup

This interview is with another Wellington heroine,  ( with the beard), who is one of the drivers and founders behind Everybody Cool Lives Here. Her mission is to pair the talents of artists with intellectual disabilities with a team of Welly’s top emerging actors for more winning shows like  which is one of the hit picks this season.


Summer of Fun – Kelvin Aris interviews Stephen Templer and Drew James

Kelvin Aris

Kelvin Aris, better known as the Kelvinator, takes over hosting  as he is on a mission to get us all excited about summer fun happening next year in Welly. In this show he talks to street festival master, Stephen Templer about the summer games we’ll be able to get involved with. Also artistic director Drew James for , joins them to talk about the incredibly exciting line -up and how to be part of the mother of all festivals about to hit Welly.

All I can say is you’ll need to take a few weeks off by the sounds of things, and I am totally in the mood after listening to this. And if you do one thing check out the Sambassadors you tube track link below.

And for the Sambassadors Bruce Lee Bowla track, don’t miss this.

Kelvin Aris and Steve Templer – Playing for Wellington

kelv steve playable city pledgeme

You may have already seen these two likely lads at a good time near you with their  and . But now they are getting really serious about Wellington having fun and are doing whatever they can to join other civil disobedients at the Global Playable Cities Conference in Bristol. Oh Jeepers! Who knows what ideas they will bring back to make us have a good time but they may need a hand first. Listen in. Or else. ( please watch this video it is so funny.)

And if you want to have fun with Kelvin and Stephen and experience what their fun is like join them at the fundraiser party this weekend.


Sam Manzanza – African beats in Wellington

Sam Manzanza 2

The way Sam Manzanza has constantly contributed good energy through his music has been a real gift to Wellington. He is now also the chairman of the African Community Council bringing our growing African residents together with one voice.

It was a great treat for me to be able to talk to Sam about his life before and here in New Zealand and how we can all celebrate the 51st Africa Day.