Mel Beirne, Tim Packer, Linnea Lindstroem – can gardening save the world?


We are always told that planting a food garden could save us money, But now I am hearing that gardening could save our world? Really?

So in this interview we talk to three of Welly’s most well known gardeners,Linnea Lindstroem of and , Mel Beirne from Brooklyn Orchard and Garden trainer for , and Tim Packer of the  who discuss how gardening just might do that.

Erin Leigh – the workerBe

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Founder of , Erin Leigh would describe her business as a wellness revolution, but not only is she taking our office workers health by storm, she has now paired up with permaculture activist Linnea Lindstroem to connect with the growing “edible city” movement! They are starting a series of urban farm sites throughout Wellington, with the first one right here in Newtown called .

“…if we can have a fast food restaurant on every corner then we can have urban farms in every city.” Nice vision.


The Sew Good Cooperative Mums – a common unity

SewGood_CUP_20141128_6040These are the Mum’s from The Sew Good Cooperative at Epuni School in Lower Hutt. Of all the stories has done, this one is possibly the most powerful, Why? Because their story is a community led response to the economic and social pressures facing a huge percentage of our country. These women are doing it for themselves.

After founder Julia Milne has taken a few awards this year as the Overall Winner at the Wellington Airport Community Awards and the Sustainable Champion at the NZI Sustainable Business Awards for her work and vision on the project, we thought we’d go and have a chat with the Mums to see what the best things about the year were for them…..and it wasn’t what we thought.

If you think these women were doing an awesome thing please vote here as they are in the running for a grant that will really help their Koha Kitchen come to life.Closes Dec 11 so please do it today. It takes two clicks.


Thanks to


Kay Baxter – seeds, our critical link


Every now and again you meet someone who makes you want to change your life, this happened to me while interviewing Kay Baxter of the . It seems Kay was destined to become our national seed saver and spread a not new philosophy that skipped a generation which makes so much sense for our health now and for our future generations.

If you have any inkling of being a gardener, or constant health issues or just interested in the bigger picture do not miss an opportunity to hear her speak.

Permaculture – a system we can live in

Brittany and Kaye Maree. permaculture Hui

Like many others I thought permaculture was just about gardening, until I started looking into the . Then I became more intrigued by the collection of smart minds sharing their stories and knowledge at this event. So organizers Kaye Maree, Linnea and Brittany  came to discuss the bigger idea behind permaculture and why they have devoted their careers to it.

Julia Milne – growing food with extraordinary results

Common Unity Project and Julia Milne

Nestled in the heart of Lower Hutt, Epuni School’s  is not only producing amazing food grown and eaten by the kids, but the kids are now exceeding in their national results.

This interview is with the visionary Julia Milne founder of the Common Unity Project about what it is like to be part of this school’s incredible solution for hungry children. 

Ania Upstill – the urban kai cycle

Ania Upstill 2

Ania Upstill, one of the instigators of the , spent her summer with a new wave of social entrepreneurs, at the  hub, developing a plan to get Wellington eating locally grown food with the  Cycle.