Erin Leigh – the workerBe

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Founder of , Erin Leigh would describe her business as a wellness revolution, but not only is she taking our office workers health by storm, she has now paired up with permaculture activist Linnea Lindstroem to connect with the growing “edible city” movement! They are starting a series of urban farm sites throughout Wellington, with the first one right here in Newtown called .

“…if we can have a fast food restaurant on every corner then we can have urban farms in every city.” Nice vision.


Chrissy O – the hunter and collector

Chrissy O hunters and collectors

Chrissy O is not only one of Wellington’s most recognized women, she is also the owner of one of our most iconic stores, . Hunters and Collectors has been called a “vintage nirvana” and may have been more suited to the streets of New York, however we have been blessed with this quirky institution right here on Cuba st. for over a few decades now.
In this interview Chrissy shares some of the stories from the wild-side of retail and how she keeps coming up with not only the best treasures, but the best the most inspiring windows in town.


Russell Silverwood, Charlie Hanna, Rory Wagner, Ryan O’Connell, Sofia Robinson – The Smart Energy Revolutionists

Smart energy

Would you consider moving your business goods by bike, using biogas produced by some of the 1 tonne of coffee grinds only 30 of our cafes go through in a week OR taking your friends on a tour of Wellington on an effortless E-bike? Well these are the kinds of ideas that were explored and some kicked into businesses from the Smart Energy Challenge earlier this month.

In these interviews we talk to  Russell Silverwood from No Car Cargo, Charlie Hanna and Rory Wagner from CoffeeCo, Ryan O’ O’Connell and Sofia Robinson from  about where they are at with their city changing, energy reducing  ventures.

And just so you know we are not joking;


Ryan and Sofia have a pledge me campaign going where you can pre-invest in the E bike experience. help them out to kick start the face of Wellington.

Pinaman Owusu – African Fashion Queen

Pinaman Owusu 2

If you are interested in beautiful clothes or following big dreams then this is an introduction to a striking young Ghanaian Wellingtonian woman .
She is on a mission to connect New Zealand and Africa through fashion and the first ever .
Before I had this interview I wasn’t sure why I would want to wear African fashion but after hearing about why she wants to do this, I do now.

To Donate to the Spark My Potentail by Monday 6th of April

More about the African Fashion Festival here

Pinaman’s fav track by Kiwi band Weird Together, filmed in Accra Ghana.

Johanna and Laurie Sanders – here to stay

The Village Market

Father and daughter team, Laurie and Johanna Sanders, have a pretty big vision for the out in Lower Hutt. Laurie, the self appointed “Artisan Godfather”, insists that the market is the future, as all businesses start small and the Village Market will enable more of this to happen. Many of our unique Wellington businesses started in a market so I am inclined to agree, but in this interview I found Laurie is so convinced, he is going to leave this as his legacy for the Hutt community. The Village Market is here to stay.