Celia Painter and Abbie Krieble, authors of “When Life Gives you Lemons”

celia and abbie picture

Celia Painter and Abbie Krieble are teenagers who have written an illustrated book titled “When Life Gives you Lemons” that aims to help young people suffering from depression. Their idea was to offer a book with advice for young people, that was created by young people. To see their book visit: http://createbooks.co.nz/product/when-life-gives-you-lemons/

Celia and Abbie spoke with Ali on 2 Feb 2016 about creating the book and overcoming their own struggles with depression.


Toby Chappell – the skate for hope

Tony Chappell IMG_5391Toby Chappell, is the founder of the charity . After skateboarding saved him from suicide, he believes that skateboarding can also save the lives of others. So while skateboarding from Cape Reinga to Bluff from November 2015 to January 2016 he will be visiting schools, churches, skate parks and youth centers to tell his story and encourage others to stand their ground and take action against mental health issues. He is an incredible young man, who is having amazing things happen to him after deciding to put as much effort into living instead of into dying.

For more on the give a little campiagn https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/skateforhopenz

For more on the gig this saturday
