Fathia escaped the war in Yemen with her two babies, to then spend 12 years as a refugee family in Ethiopia waiting for a new country. She had never heard of new Zealand but after requesting a “peace country” she and her family arrived in Wellington about 10 years ago. To celebrate we will have a chat with Fathia, her son Mohammed and Kate Miller, their volunteer support person about their experience of settling into Wellington. The answers are not what I thought and every kiwi needs to hear this.
“Wellington is one of five main centers that accepts refugees and currently we take twice our National share” Murdoch Willliams
if you think we could take more refugees into New Zeaand.http://www.doingourbit.co.nz/
To meet more Refugees in New Zealand https://www.redcross.org.nz/what-we-do/in-new-zealand/refugee-services/get-to-know-me/